Marco Siciliano (b. 1991, Caltagirone, IT) lives and works in Berlin, where he’s currently studying sculpture under Monica Bonvicini at the Universität der Künste. He graduated from the Politecnico di Milano in 2017 with a master’s degree in interior design.

Siciliano’s research is deeply rooted in the study of literature and architecture and expressed through a multidisciplinary approach. His work leans on the threshold between private and public space. A position that allows access to opposite realms by violating the intimacy of bodies so lost in the se- duction of psychosomatic pain.

The vision of these figures is only partially clear. Their ab- sence or disappearance is what intrigues Siciliano the most. The established rules of functional architecture are violated to create a space in which the viewer’s experiences, desires, and doubts define the uncertain contours.

