Site-specific Installation
Gender ProjectAltemunze, Berlin, 2022
The site-specific installation THIRD LANDSCAPE features a laundry of imaginary queer characters often deliberately forgotten or censured by the Italian queer literature of the 20th century. On each sheet is sewn the first letter of their name, thus acquiring a bodily presence by performing a simple act such as laundry.

The laundry in Italy has been displayed as a political act in cities such as Como, Palermo, and Genoa:
A subtle act of protest that uses intimacy and vulnerability as a weapon, floating blank pages of social margins.
“These margins collect a biological diversity that is not yet classified as wealth.”
Gilles Clément’s book Manifeste du Tiers Paysage (2004).

- Celestino - Aldo Palazzeschi, I Fratelli Cuccoli (1948)
- Gigi - Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Altri Libertini (1980)
- Erik - Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Pao Pao (1982)
- Nora - Amalia Guglielminetti, La Rivincita del Maschio (1923)
- Fofo - Aldo Palazzeschi, I Fratelli Cuccoli (1948)
- don Gonzalo - Caro Emilio Gadda, La Cognizione del Dolore (1963)
- Teresa - Aldo Palazzeschi, Sorelle Materassi (1934)

Characters collected by Luca Starita in his book ‘Canone Ambiguo’ effequ (2021).